2017 - 2018


AI self-service

'the check-out process made easy, fast and modern.'

In recent years, the number of shops in which stationary self-service checkouts are used has increased significantly. Customers particularly appreciate having the speed of the payment process in their own hands. The costs of conventional canteen cash registers are very high. At peak times, queues often arise, which cause stress for employees and customers.

scood is a stationary system that automatically determines and calculates the price of canteen meals through machine learning. Artificial intelligence and modern cameras are used to reliably detect food and drinks on canteen trays. The technology is based on an image-database of canteen meals and drinks. Because of the extensive database, it is possible to guarantee recognition performance at the level of human recognition. scood was developed together with customers and canteen operators to ensure optimal and easy operation. Therefore, the checkout process does take longer than 10 seconds.

The tray has to be positioned in scood and the purchase confirmed on the touchscreen. Afterwards, the payment by canteen or credit card is activated for customers. The machine learning (AI) algorithms is trained to locate and distinguish typical canteen foods and beverages on trays. The system recognizes learned food, beverages and self-service items with high accuracy and only needs to be supplemented daily with the current offer.

❜ topic

AI / food

❜ my role

product design
front-end development

❜ team

Dirk Siegmund
Doreen Scheller